Online Ordering--Christmas Book Fair

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

December/January Nonfiction Challenge!

Who: 2nd-5th graders
What: Nonfiction Challenge
When: Dec. 2-Jan. 10
How: AR test scores must be 80% and up to count
2nd grade: 5 books
3rd grade: 8 books
4th grade: 10 books
5th grade: 10 books

The reward trip is a mystery!!  Watch for clues every Friday on Wake Up, Wooster!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Rocking in My School Shoes!!

Pete the Cat author, Eric Litwin is coming to Greenbrier!  K-2 students will travel to the Fine Arts Building (high school campus) on September 24th to meet Eric Litwin.  He is the author of the first 4 Pete the Cat Books.  I will pre-sale books to be autographed and parents are welcome to attend.  Be on the lookout for more information soon!

Visit Eric Litwin's webpage at    

Monday, August 26, 2013

Accelerated Reader Begins at Wooster Elementary!

Accelerated Reader begins today!!  Please check your child's Monday folder for AR information.  Read over the information and send the bottom portion back to school signed by Friday, August 30th, please.  The AR information is also posted here under the "Accelerated Reader" tab.
Use the following website at home to see if books have AR tests and what their reading level is/how many points.  AR Book Find